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I need help

There is one universal truth, applicable to all countries, cultures and communities: violence against women is never acceptable, never excusable, never tolerable. United Nations Secretary-General – Ban Ki-Moon

You are not alone

Domestic abuse can happen to anyone. It is overwhelmingly experienced by women and perpetrated by men. One in five women in Scotland will experience domestic abuse during her life.

It doesn’t matter how old someone is, what race, ethnicity, or religion they are, what class, their sexual identity, whether or not they are disabled, or whether they have children – anyone can be a victim of abuse.

If you are experiencing domestic abuse or know someone who is, Border Women’s Aid is here to help. BWA is the only domestic abuse service in the Scottish Borders run for women by women. We will support any woman, whatever her background, who reaches out to us. With our help and encouragement, you will regain control of your life free from abusive relationships.

You are not alone.


Speaking to a support worker has made me feel safer in my home

I feel amazing, in control, a different person

I know I am not alone

I feel more in control and hopeful because of BWA support

Hands keeping me safe and comfortable. Helping me to find joy. Thank you so much for the last 14 months
