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Call for support on 01450 218 409National Domestic Abuse Helpline (24 hours)24-hour Domestic Abuse Helpline 0800 027 1234Here to helpHere to listenHere to support

Shakti Women’s Aid
T: 0131 475 2399
Shakti Women’s Aid is dedicated to helping BME women, children and young people experiencing domestic abuse. Shakti offers its services in Arabic, Hindi, Mandarin, Polish, Portuguese, Punjabi, Spanish. Swahili and Urdu.


Amina: The Muslim Women Women’s Support Centre
Helpline: 0808 801 0301

Hemat Gryffe Women’s Aid
Help: 0141 353 0859 or 07792 017442
Based in Glasgow


T: 0131 556 9302
Saheliya is a specialist mental health and well-being support organisation for black, minority ethnic, asylum seeker, refugee and migrant women and girls (12+) in the Edinburgh and Glasgow area.


Southall Black Sisters
Based in London, their website offers good information on immigration, asylum, housing, the law, etc.

Hands keeping me safe and comfortable. Helping me to find joy. Thank you so much for the last 14 months

A huge weight lifted off my shoulders when I contacted BWA

I feel safer knowing BWA are supporting me

I’m honestly starting to see things differently … it’s a valuable service you provide

You helped me realise I deserved better
